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First Women-Only Salon in New York to open Its Doors for Hijabis

Source: New York Post
Writer: Melkorka Licea

Muslim women can really let their hair down at this salon.

Huda Quhshi, 37, is opening the city’s first female-only beauty parlor catering to hijab-clad clients.

 Since it’s forbidden in Islam for women to show their hair to men outside their family, getting a haircut can be a dreaded chore for some.

“I have always had a difficult time finding a salon that could accommodate me, even for a simple haircut,” said Quhshi, who wears a hijab herself.

Doors for Hijabis

Quhshi, married with three children, said she has heard countless horror stories of Muslim women being shoved into cramped closets, jammed in creepy basements or denied services altogether.

“I once decided to go to a salon and when a man walked in I had to throw my head scarf over my wet hair and run to a back room,” she recalled.

“After that experience, I was like, ‘You know what? We can’t do this.’ ”

Her beauty parlor, on Fifth Avenue in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, is called ­Le’Jemalik Salon — “for your beauty” in Arabic.

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